Terminal Block Rail Assembly Services
At SCS we can perform a wide variety of pre-assembly services to meet your needs. We have a knowledgeable sales staff that can assist you with your requirements. Whether it is a custom rail assembly or a completed enclosure, SCS has the expertise to fulfill your needs in a timely manner, and at a competitive price.
Let us take this:

... and make this:

Terminal Block Rail Assembly Services that SCS provides include:
- Cut DIN Mounting Rail to customer specified length
- Punch and/or drill holes in mounting rail
- Mount terminal blocks on DIN mounting rail
- Mark terminal blocks according to customer specifications -- including custom printed marking tags
- Install group marking tag carriers. We can also custom engrave nameplates to install in your group markers for a more professional and longer-lasting installation
- Install customer specified fuses into fused terminal blocks
- Install screw-in (WQV), plug-in (ZQV), or comb-type (QB) jumpers for cross connecting terminal blocks on the rail
- Drill or punch holes in enclosures
- Mount terminal block rails inside enclosures
- Custom nameplate engraving
- Attach custom nameplates to enclosures with double-sided tape or afix using mounting screws
Contact SCS today for all of your custom terminal block mounting rail or terminal block enclosure requirements today!